Learn and have fun with Math and Science Apps

The power of the apps is:

  • Parents:     Develop young minds.                         Supports self-learning.                                                 Keep kids excited about learning.
  • Learners:   Makes learning  fun.                                   Learn while playing.  
  • Teachers:  These are powerful educational media.     Provides background for better understanding.         Covers many concepts.                                                    Rotate virtual 3D objects.                                              

Concepts are mastered in a visual, dynamic and interactive way.

Primary School Math

Click on the image below for a screen capture video of the math for primary school app in action.


Click on the red link below to go to the App Store

App for Primary School Math is available on the App Store.

secondary School Math

Click on the image below for a screen capture video of the math for secondary school app in action.


Click on the red link below to go to the App Store

App for Secondary School Math is available on the App Store.

Physical Science

Click on the image below for a screen capture video of the Physical Science app in action.


Click on the red link below to go to the App Store

App for Physical Science is available on the App Store.

Engineering and Technology

Click on the image below for a screen capture video of the engineering technology app in action.


Click on the red link below to go to the App Store

App for Engineering Technology is available on the App Store.

Pneumatic simulator

The simulator allows for the design and assembling of pneumatic circuits for various purposes.

The user drags valves, actuators and exhausts to a design board, draw tubes, activate and then see how the design works.


Click on the red link below to go to the App Store

App for Pneumatics is available on the App Store.

For iPhone and iPad, download the Science and Maths Demo for free from the App Store.

For android devices: First download the Amazon Appstore App. Then download the Science and Maths Demo for free.  Click on the icon on the left or the red link above.

Have fun with Science Animations, full of math and physics for primary and secondary schools.

   Math and physics concepts covered are: numbers, coordinates, area, volume, speed, velocity, acceleration, torque, stress, pressure, momentum, Pythagorean theorem, energy, telling time, ratio, rate, frequency, algebra, gravitation, force, electricity, Bernoulli, shapes, differentiation, circle geometry, gears, engine, orthographic projections, pneumatic simulator, waves, exponents and perspective.

Play and learn with toy cars, a slinky, Newton's cradle, building blocks, 3D shapes, planets and even launch a satellite!

Science animations: Math,  Physics and Technology animations will help you to understand concepts better. These animations are powerful educational media; they make understanding of dynamic and 3D concepts much easier. Math and Physics animations don't replace handbooks; they support handbooks because they can do things that handbooks can't do.  (1) Math and Physics animations are interactive, you get immediate feedback.  (2) They can show objects in 3D by rotating them on the screen. (3) They are dynamic; you see things happening right in front of you. (4) They make use of virtual objects with which you can do experiments and teachers and parents can do demonstrations. There is no age restriction - the younger, the better.

Math and Physics animations put fun into learning.


Apps for iPhone and iPad
Science animations

Apps for the iPhone and iPad, developed by the author are available. Click on the icons on relevant pages to download from the App Store.